Laura Santamaria

Written by Mark Miller | Sep 22, 2023 2:22:37 AM

Session Name: Getting to DevOps: Musings of a DevRel on Communities of Practice

When thinking about a DevOps culture, we all come to the concept with different ideas, experiences, and knowledge, and we all are part of different communities of practice in both our workplaces and our general communities. Similarly, our organizations contain multiple points of view and multiple communities of practice. However, we’re all dealing with complex systems for which a change in perspective is needed to build something bigger than ourselves or our single point of view. To get to a true “DevOps transformation” in any organization, we have to make a fundamental shift in the ways our internal communities of practice think and bring together groups of people to drive new ideas. Come chat with Laura as she shares her experiences building communities and studying systems to explore how you can influence your organization’s shift to DevOps.

Speaker Bio:

As a Lead Developer Advocate at Dell Technologies, Laura Santamaria loves to learn and explain how things work to bridge the gaps in engineering disciplines. She is a cohost for the Cloud Native Compass podcast and was the curator for A Minute on the Mic, a cohost for The Hallway Track podcast, and the host of Quick Bites of Cloud Engineering. As a community member, she co-hosts multiple meetups in the Austin, Texas, area, including Cloud Austin. She is an organizer for DevOpsDays Austin, DevOpsDays Texas, and PyTexas, all community-run conferences. For the past few years, she has been a returning program committee member for Open Source Summit’s Cloud Open track. Outside of tech, Laura runs, reads, and watches clouds—the real kind.