Hossam Barakat

Written by Jade Wiatrak | Sep 21, 2023 6:23:54 PM

Session Name: Nuts And Bolts of Database Continuous Delivery

While many developers have already implemented continuous delivery for their application code, the same can't be said for databases. This is because making changes to databases can be risky and can lead to data corruption or loss if not done carefully. Companies also need to be careful not to cause extended downtime. Imagine if you could push database changes to production without causing any downtime or loss of data. Sounds too good to be true, right?

Well, it's not! In this talk, we'll cover the fundamentals of database continuous integration and delivery, the common gotchas and how to overcome them. Then, we will go through real-world scenario showing how to safely and securely deploy the database changes. Finally, we'll look at how to manage database changes during blue-green and canary releases. By the end of this talk, you'll know everything you need to get started with database continuous delivery, and you'll be ready to reap the benefits for yourself. Are you ready to get started?


Speaker Bio:

Cloud Architect at Amazon Web Services with over 18 years of experience in software industry. Specialising in Microservices, Serverless, Domain Driven Design, Agile and Lean software development, and Continuous Delivery.