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Session Name: CDKtf - Patterns for Security by Default

In today’s digital landscape, security remains job zero of every team. However, ensuring security effectiveness requires us to enable teams to seamlessly integrate secure infrastructure and code practices into their development processes. This pivotal balance not only safeguards our systems but also allows teams to amplify their focus on value-driven tasks, instead of grappling with compliance intricacies. This enlightening session will provide invaluable insights into harnessing the potential of the Aspects feature within the Cloud Development Kit for Terraform (CDKtf). By embracing this approach, we can establish secure-by-default development patterns. Notably, the recent general availability (GA) milestone of CDKtf ushers in a new era of capability; an adept, production-ready, multi-cloud tool that supersedes traditional declarative paradigms. Join me to delve into real-world experiences garnered from consulting engagements with diverse teams. Our journey spans across the realms of the original AWS CDK, CDK for Terraform, and HCL. These engagements, have unearthed pivotal insights that illuminate where CDKtf truly excels in accelerating workflows and amplifying productivity.

Speaker Bio:

Aiden Ziegelaar is a Lead Consultant at Cognizant Servian, with a diverse industry background ranging from startup scale embedded IOT and Industry 4.0 through to enterprise scale Edutech companies and utility providers. His expertise lies in cloud native, secure software development, with a keen interest in exploring emerging technologies.