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OCTOBER 10, 2024



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The Largest Global DevOps Community Conference

About All Day DevOps

All Day DevOps is the world's largest DevOps conference, bringing together developers and industry leaders from around the globe to share insights, innovations, and best practices in the ever-evolving world of open source software development. ADDO is not your typical conference; it's a transformative experience. As you dive into 24 hours of non-stop learning and collaboration, here's what you can expect:

  • Forward-thinking Sessions: Dedicated tracks for Developers, DevOps, and Security leaders to discover innovative approaches for enhancing the efficiency, innovation, and quality of software development. 

  • Real-world Insights: Sessions designed to unite developers and leaders across organizations, emphasizing practical advice and insights from industry experts and peers. 

  • Interactive Engagement: All-day opportunities for real-time Q&A and discussion with speakers and fellow attendees to connect, ask questions, and be an active participant in the ADDO community. 

Past Speakers

Gene Kim
Patrick Debois
Yonit Gruber Hazani
Thomas Locher
Theodor Dimache
Tracy Bannon
Lev Andelman
Semyon Kirekov