Maria Ashby

Written by All Day DevOps | Sep 25, 2023 1:57:03 PM

Session Name: Love is Blind, but Your K8s Collaborative Troubleshooting Doesn’t Have to Be

In this session, I am going discuss the Netflix Love is Blind live streaming fiasco that impacted over 6 million users. This is a real life example of how remote collaborative troubleshooting can prevent large scale disasters. Next, I will define collaborative troubleshooting and its impact on the SRE/devops community. Finally, I will close with a brief overview of Botkube and its features and a call to action for the audience to get started with Botkube and improve their collaborative troubleshooting experience

Speaker Bio:

Maria is a developer advocate at Kubeshop. She currently works on the Botkube project. She creates content and hosts events around Kubernetes. Before diving into developer advocacy role, she worked in computer science education for K-12 students in lower-income communities and worked with the National Society of Black Engineers on their executive board. Maria is passionate about lowering the barrier to entry into continuous delivery and increasing representation for black students in tech.