Brit Myers

Written by All Day DevOps | Sep 22, 2023 5:36:20 PM

Session Name: Reimagining Your DevOps Workflow with System Initiative

Doing “DevOps work” is unquestionably the worst part of building a modern application. It’s full of tiny papercuts, including the indignities we suffer in our toolchains, longer-than-necessary feedback loops, and sprawling software toolsets. What we need is an entirely new approach to achieving the goals of DevOps that we all share. We have spent the last three years considering what it might look like if we started from scratch, in order to achieve the experience, collaboration, and acceleration of productivity that we have long worked toward. In this talk, I’ll share how we break all of the “rules” of DevOps to make the daily DevOps experience and its outcomes, an order of magnitude better. I’ll discuss the capabilities we see as necessary in a new open platform, and explore what’s possible when we are no longer constrained by the current state of the system that we, together, have created over the last 15 years.

Speaker Bio:

Brit is a technology leader with over a decade of experience scaling high-performing engineering teams. Prior to System Initiative, she was a member of the executive team at Hyland Software where she led global engineering teams responsible for building multiple cloud product lines. Brit was most recently Head of Cloud Engineering at Firebolt Analytics, where she was responsible for designing and executing the strategic direction of DevOps at Firebolt. Brit recently completed her Executive MBA from the University of Michigan.