Brad Cupit

Written by Mark Miller | Sep 22, 2023 1:26:19 AM

Session Name: Tech Debt - And Why Devs Think They Know it but Don’t!

Each developer's confident they know the difference between tech debt and bugs, until they really compare notes and realize they're on different pages! In this session we'll talk about the differences between tech debt and bugs, review the 4 types of tech debt, and go over corner cases that make it hard to categorize. We'll also discuss tech debt strategies, horror stories, why teams should care about it, and how to prevent it. Developers will come away with arguments needed to advocate for time fixing tech debt.

Speaker Bio:

From Big Data to finance to the console video game industry, Brad’s seen diverse software systems. He’s contributed to 25+ OSS projects, and, as a Principal Engineer -- and later Engineering Manager -- at Sonatype, he’s led a data team specializing in OSS identification. He’s a veteran speaker, clocking in over 50 appearances from small audiences to those numbering in the hundreds.